Prezentare invatamant profesional dual, in parteneriat cu Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Brasov Detalii aici!
Arrow upIn 2010, the company SC MARUB SA is taken over by the private railway passengers' transportation operator RC-CF TRANS BRASOV, receiving a new direction towards the refurbishment and reliability of its own fleet of French electrical locomotives LE 25500, railcars X4500, and electrical push-pull train sets RIO-RIB.
Therewith, the company maintains its profile for repairing diesel hydraulic locomotives LDH 450-1250 CP, diesel electric LDE 2100 CP, as well as for the repairing of DMUs, wheel sets, bogies, keeping its technical agreements and railway technical homologation certificates related to these tasks.
RC-CF TRANS BRASOV had its main motivation in taking over company SC MARUB SA, its potential of having an ascending trajectory of turnover and profit indicators as well as its professional perseverance and determination in achieving notable performances.
Since RC-CF TRANS Brasov took over MARUB, the basis of an extended program has been created targeting the development and diversification of products and services, including refurbishments and rehabilitations of railcars for passengers' transportation. This program, being at present in full progress, aims converting MARUB from a traditional company with local character, into a main player over the national and regional market, having the main task to satisfy all needs of customers.
Automotoarelor, nr. 2
Brasov, Romania
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