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Repair of freight wagons type “Tadgs”

Category: Freight Wagons


The freight wagon on 4 axles,type Tadgs,with bulk gravity unloading, are used exclusivevly  for transporting foodstuffs,such as grain,malt,feedstuffs and sugar. The wagons are equipped with a trackside discharge device that allows for controlled bulk gravity unloading of the freigth.

The hopper is fitted with one piece swing roof  pannel which can be operated for open/closed positions, with a hand wheel from the ground.

Loading of the wagon is done on the upper part through the swing roof which opens completely. The goods are discharged through 6 outlets above the axial track centreline  and 8  side outlets.

Read more: Repair of freight wagons type “Tadgs”

Repair of freight wagons type “Fals”

Category: Freight Wagons


Fals type wagons on 4 axles, with bulk gravity unloading, is used to convey large quantities of bulk materials that are not moisture sensitive. They are typically used in freight block trains (train-load consignements) for conveing bulk ore,coal,coke and stone.

The Fals wagons are open hopper wagons which can be loaded with mechanical flap activation, and discharged under gravity through a saddle-bottomed hopper having a pair of discharge flaps on both sides .

Read more: Repair of freight wagons type “Fals”

Repair of freight wagons type “Sggmrs”

Category: Freight Wagons

Freight wagon on 6 axles, type Sggmrs, is used for containers transportation.

The wagon type Sggmrs is formed of two platforms articulated in the area of midlle bogie.

The wagon is equipped with folding fastening devices having the cone of the fixing devices according to UIC 571-4 regulation.The loading of wagon is achieved directly on the platform with specific lifting installations, containers being placed on the cones of the devices.

Read more: Repair of freight wagons type “Sggmrs”

Repair of freight wagons type “Ealos”

Category: Freight Wagons


Ealos freight wagon on 4 axles is used to convey bulk materials which are not moisture sensitive such as ore, coal, coke,stone, timber, pulp.The wagon case has a strengthening belt at its higher part and high walls, with one or two double doors on each side of the wagon,with an opening of 1.800 mm each.This construction allows the wagon to be suitable for conveing bulk materials (such as fire wood, timber without,etc.) without the use of stanchions or other special devices.

Read more: Repair of freight wagons type “Ealos”
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