Prezentare invatamant profesional dual, in parteneriat cu Colegiul Tehnic de Transporturi Brasov Detalii aici!

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Workshop of DMU repair and modernization

     The workshop is designed for the repair and modernization of railway vehicles. The workshop is devided in:

  • adjacent workshops for dismantling and repair of rolling stock, which are equiped with lifting equipment (crane and mobile hoists) and six working railway lines as in/out lets
  • space for storing the aggregates and equipments dismantled from rolling stock
  • spaces for repair of subassemblies
  • repair workshops and related offices
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Automotoarelor, nr. 2
Brasov, Romania

45.665893, 25.633502

Meniu utilizator


Tel. : +40 268 334 505, +40 368 730 000
Fax: + 40 268 334 506,+40 268 334 507